Jemma volunteered to be a demo dog for the Tellington TTouch stand at the World of Dogs and Cats show. I became interested in TTouch after witnessing the remarkable effect it had on calming one of my puppies during a visit to the vet. It is a methodology using gentle body work developed by famous animal behaviourist Linda Tellington-Jones. It has a scientifically proven effect on the behaviour and health of animals. TTouch is spear headed in South Africa by Eugenie Chopin.

Eugenie explained that various touch techniques can help your animal with a variety of problems
- Fear of loud noises and thunder
- Jumping Up and Leash pulling
- Chewing and Barking
- Aggression and Biting
- Car sickness
- Fear and Shyness
- Nervousness and Tension
- Fear of Strangers and Hyper Excitability

It apparently helps not only dogs but cats, horses and people including children
. If you want to find out more go to
Eugenie said Jemma was an great demo dog!
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